

去過萬晨的部落格 結果就看见4日凌晨最近更新的網誌,说到C.K的离开!
這首最初以網路流傳的原創歌曲 都會清楚的知道

last2rita 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

       I'm standing in the rain, all wet, can't see clearly. The rain is all over me, can't be hurting anymore. No one around me knows I'm here, crystal clear me. Passengers. They walk pass me, no one looks back, not even an ice-cold glance. I'm totally forgotten by this busy city. All in a sudden, I found a key-ring beside my feet.  It's one of the pair, it's nearly covered by the rain. I picked it up, can't tell if it's rain or tear on my cheek. I can't see people's faces, they cover them up with umbrellas, cover their eyes up with umbrellas, cover their hearts up with umbrellas. Feel weak on my feet, wet handbag, wet mobile, just like my mood, can't be weter any more.. Some people like raining, wash away all the dust in this city and bring over the rainbow, just like wash off all the molders in those old days, and bring over the brand new ones. If there's no raining season, there would be no rainbow. 

       But me, I hate raining days, the water pour over from the sky, pour over all the kindness and passion, make people to be cold, selfish and disguise. I like stuff full of sunshine, sunflower and golden colder, and I like rainbow. I like the sunny smile on your face, maybe someone's right, no rain, no rainbow, no pain, no gain of the happiness. Everything is correspondingly, nothing exists alone. Raise up my sight, don't know how long I walked, don't know how many people I walk passed, don't know how much I teared, suddenly, my cheek dried. 

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“ 你好,我是聶筱蝶.此時此刻,我是聶筱蝶.


    [ 聶筱蝶一生中遇到過三個讓她難以忘懷的男人。]
    [ 恤 ] 
    [ 麥 ]  
    [ 楓 ]

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當漫天旋轉地楓葉 劃過季節更替的軌跡 不再追求浮華與讚譽


放棄了爛漫 丟掉了喧鬧 甩開了浮躁




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